Material aspects: By regarding a wish as an appeal to the powers that be, from a mundane viewpoint we need to be very clear that what we wish for is what we want. Dreams can have the function of sorting out what we really want and getting rid of the non-essential.
[1]Psychological / emotional perspective: Emotionally, we are able to ‘power up’ our wishes in dreams. By bearing our intent in mind prior to sleep, we can add the additional energy of the unconscious to making things happen. This is called manifestation.
[2](See Also: Anxiety, Punishment, Wanting)
According to Freud the intention of every dream is the fulfilment of a wish, usually an instinctual wish but sometimes - in dreams of punishment - the wish of the super-ego, or ‘conscience’.
[3]Dreams where you wish for something, represent your real hopes and dreams. Think of the wish you made and how it relates to what you want for your life.
[4]A wish is a statement of intent and when looked at from a spiritual perspective is often in dreams a directive from the higher self.
[5]Something is missing in one’s life.
[6](See Also: Zamzam)