1. Up to another spiritual level;
2. Promotion; 2 Kings 2:11.
[1]1. Up to another spiritual level;
2. Promotion; 2 Kings 2:11.
[1]lucky numbers: 15-19-20-30-32-36dark-colored, wearing a: infirmity if you do not keep danger at bay. evening: wil be invited to an elegant party with expensive favors. house: infid...
Learn more about the meaning of Jacketlucky numbers: 04-8-16-31-33-39buying a: gossip wil endanger your reputation and your credit; cut your own work. dull, a: upgrade your systems to fit the chal enge. hack, to cut me...
Learn more about the meaning of SawGeneral MeaningGraduation dreams are closely linked to the ideas of accomplishments, growth, and transitioning to a new stage in life. This type of dream typically suggests you hav...
Learn more about the meaning of Interpretation Of Graduation Dreams