Dreams of a treadmill signify frustration with the circular nature of your life, repetition, and feeling like you are getting nowhere quickly. Your dream may be giving you the message to stop what you are doing, break the pattern, await clarity and divine direction before re-engaging your energy.
[1]Though there is great benefit to be gained from using a treadmill during waking life as a way to exercise, as a symbol one must consider the futility of running but staying in the same place.
If a treadmill is featured in a dream, you may be feeling that your actions are getting you nowhere.
[2]If you dream of walking on a treadmill, you will come into possession of a much desired object.
If the treadmill is going too fast for you to keep up, you feel overwhelmed by daily stresses.
[3]Stuck in programs, attitudes, beliefs, going round and round with the same old numbers. Boredom through lack of growth. You are free to get off whenever you choose.
[4]Getting nowhere, though many steps are taken