Dreams of a team reflect your level of integration among the various aspects of yourself.
If you are operating with synergy, then this dream signifies that you are powerfully unified within yourself and you can accomplish whatever you set your mind to.
If the team is operating in disharmony, then this dream is a message for you to organize your various sub-personalities into a singular focus so that you can win this game called life.
[1]A positive dream that features a team is generally a lucky one. Any display of sportsmanship in a dream is a favorable omen and indicates advancement in your chosen endeavor through the help of influential friends.
It is especially lucky to dream of being on a winning team.
To dream that you are watching a sports team, represents two opposing viewpoints or conflicting opinions.
[2]If you dream that you work in team, or that you are part of a sports team, the unconscious is transmitting you the need to be more sociable in the professional field. Therefore, if these images coincide with an offer to participate in a business, a priori, the dream would be encouraging you to be part of such project.
[3]All parts of yourself must work together in order to come out ahead in the game of life.
[4]A group united to reach a common goal in the game of life; see “game”
[5]To a townsman, success to your plans; to a farmer, a good harvest.