Self protection (perhaps on a subconscious level).
Ability to adapt to a situation or environment.
A particular time you spent outdoors in real life.
Purposely getting a suntan can represent: a desire to project a certain image or control what others think about you, even to your own detriment (such as losing too much weight), exposing (or overexposing) yourself to dangers or toxins (physical, emotional, or mental), the idea of becoming less susceptible to negativity from others (as a suntan increases melatonin in skin).
[1]To dream that you have a suntan, signifies the shadow aspect of yourself. It represents your primal instincts and natural senses.
A pleasurable dream of lying in the warm sun is very fortunate, signifying happiness and good friendships.
To dream of having tan lines suggests that you may have made some errors in judgement which you are feeling guilty about - or that you’re afraid of being caught over. Also see “Tanning Bed.”
[2]One is concerned with one’s image.