Universal Landscape: Powerful feminine energy. Patience.
Dreaming Lens: Were you encountering a spider or spider webbing? Was it frightening? Were you in danger? Did you kill the spider? Did you want to? Did the spider want to harm you? Was the overall scene macabre or more magical?
Personal Focus: Spiders are a powerful image of the feminine principle, which relates to creativity and receptivity. Spiders embody this by virtue of the creative act of making a web and the patience involved in awaiting their prey. Many, if not most people, have an aversion to spiders, which makes them a creature of the Shadow.
Spiders can be found everywhere, which is one of the reasons why they feature prominently as a common dream image. While not all are venomous, the most widely known spider is the Black Widow, famous for mating with and then killing her male counterpart. This is the feminine principle in its most ferocious expression.
A spider’s webbing is a miraculous feat of engineering and unparalleled beauty. Its purpose is twofold. On the side of nurturing, it is a home. However, it is also a weapon of prey—a trap set to capture, kill, and eat. Spiders also connect to the numerological expression of abundance because of their eight legs. (See Also: Numbers.) Any or all of these themes may be being expressed in a dream that features this image.
A spider web may point to creative ideas that are currently being spun. This also indicates that a period of waiting must follow in order for success to be achieved. A spider bite may indicate that an infusion of the feminine principle may be in order for your current dealings to succeed. The irritation, illness, or death that is possible with a spider bite indicates the level of sacrifice that will be required of you on an emotional level at this time.