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sleeping boy

Someone drawing yajuj majuj - Dream Interpretation & Meaning

Dreaming Of Someone Is Drawing The Yajuj And Majuj | Dream Interpretation

The keywords of this dream: Drawing Yajuj Majuj

5 Symbols and Dream Interpretations about drawing, yajuj and majuj related.

1. Artistic expression.2. A need or desire to communicate nonverbally.3. The ability to see things simply, in black and white. ...

Learn more about the meaning of Drawing

It implies a person losing part of his wealth to the king or authorities....

Learn more about the meaning of Drawing Blood From The Vein

If a person dreams that he has drawn water from the well and given it to people to drink, it means he will be a means of providing livelihood to orphans, the weak and poor. It also...

Learn more about the meaning of Drawing Water From A Well

Dreams involving intimate or sensitive areas can often be quite unsettling, but they can also offer profound insights into our emotional and psychological states. The imagery of ex...

Learn more about the meaning of Drawing Blood From The Vaginal Area

A to Z Dream Interpretation