Self-assertion and confidence.
The skunks scent is a protective odor, but it is uniquely its own.
Getting the respect one is due. Skunks do not like confrontation, and usually withhold their spray until no other option is left. Have you been holding back in some area where recognition of your abilities is long overdue?
Irritating people or situations. Being sprayed by a skunk causes all kinds of distress, most of which stems from frustration about being in the wrong place at the wrong time!
[1]The skunk and its odor cannot be separated. When faced with fear, the skunk emits a musk that most predators find objectionable, thus protecting it from danger. In this regard, the symbol of the skunk connects to the ability to keep danger at bay. When the skunk appears in a dream, your mechanisms of self-protection are being stimulated.
It is up to you to decide whether this defensive posture is for your own true good or an overreaction.
[2]To dream of a skunk implies that something you have said or done has caused others not to want to be around you. You are pushing them away or keeping them at a safe distance. It may also mean that an issue has been resolved but you are not comfortable with the resolution.
[3]To see a skunk in your dream, suggests that you may be driving people away or turning people off. Alternatively, it indicates that all is calm about a certain situation but you do not necessarily like it or agree with it.
[4]To see or smell a skunk in your dream predicts a social disappointment Don’t brood; you can’t win them all, and new doors will eventually open.
[5]1. One may be repelling others.
2. One does not like something about a particular situation.
[6]One’s whose attitude stinks; see “animals”