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Seat Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 10 Unique Sources About Seat

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Seat - Dream Interpretation & Meaning

(Chair) One’s seat in a dream represents his capital, wealth, work, profit, joy, happiness, a good son, or a wife who is content with what she has. Seeing a deceased person sitting relaxed in a comfortable chair in a dream means that he is in paradise.

A chair in a dream also represents a contractual agreement, making an oath, peace, tranquility and comfort, or it could mean establishing a business partnership.

(See Also: Chair, Saddle)


Sometimes, in certain dreams, the protagonist has a sudden urge to sit and relax, as if she were lacking air or feeling her legs go weak. Such condition, rather than physical exhaustion shows certain existential fatigue. Those who experience this kind of dream feel that their life has become increasingly dull and weary; they have little incentive to make the routine more bearable.


Dreams of being seated represent that you are in the seat of your power, owning your energy and influence; sitting back to glimpse perspective about your life. This dream can be showing you where you have become complacent and sedentary, or that you are waiting or taking a pause before engaging more actively in your life. Consider the feeling tone.

See Also: Sit, Throne.


To think, in a dream, that some one has taken your seat, denotes you will be tormented by people calling on you for aid.

To give a woman your seat, implies your yielding to some fair one’s artfulness.


To dream of falling from your seat is a straight- forward warning of pos- sible loss of status through your own careless behavior. Pay some attention to the opinion of others.


Symbolic of a person’s social rank or a person’s right to occupy a place within a group, 1 Sam. 2:8


To dream that one has fallen from his Seat, signifies that he shall be displaced from office.


Resting and relaxing. Whatever you do, take your time.


To dream one has fallen from his seat and would fain get into it again, signifies that whatever office or employment he is in, he shall be displaced from, and not be able to recover it again.


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