Salawat Dream Interpretation

sleeping boy


A Dream Interpretation About The Salawat

Salawat - Dream Interpretation & Meaning

Seeing that you bring salavat in the dream, even though you desire something you want to rush, you will need your patience to do it.

“Allâhümme salli salâten kâmileten ve sellim selâmen tâmmen alâ Seyyidinâ Muhammedinillezî tenhallü bihil ukadü ve tenfericu bihil-kürebü ve tukdâ bihil-havâicu ve tünâlü bihir-reğâibü ve hüsnül-havâtimi ve yustaskal ğamâmu bivechihil Kerîm ve alâ âlihî ve sahbihi fî külli lemhatin ve nefesin bi adedi külli ma’lûmin lek”


Sources and Authors

  1. Islamic Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
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