To dream you see an olive tree with olives, denotes peace, delight, concord, liberty, dignity, and fruition of your desires. In dreams the olive tree signifies the wife principally, and liberty; and therefore it is good to dream that it is flourishing well, and bearing fair and ripe fruit in season.
To dream you beat olives down is good for all but servants.
[1]Symbol of peace. It maintains the same meaning in many cultures of the East and Europe.
It is also associated with fortitude and fecundity.
If you see this tree full of olives, you will soon have a reconciliation. (See Also: OIL, OLIVES)
[2]A symbol of end-times witnesses, power, Israel, and believers, Rom. 11:24, Rev. 11:4.
A green olive tree is symbolic of a prosperous Christian, Ps. 52:8
[3]Vision: Seeing an olive tree: conflicts in your family will end in peace and harmony.
[4]Figurative of christian service, hope, peace, the true church, prophetic symbols
[5]Peace, delight, dignity, attainment of desire (Artemidorus).
[6]1. Anointed person. Zech. 4:11-14