See Also: Food
1- In dreams, all symbols of nourishment are associated with basic needs. Firstly, we require warmth and comfort; secondly, shelter and sustenance. Initially we experience this as coming from mother. Any dream in which we become aware of our needs then links with our relationship with mother.
If our need for nourishment and nurturing is not met we experience rejection and hurt. In dreams the two become interchangeable.
2- All symbols of containment (the vessel, cup, cauldron, bowl etc.) arc symbols of nurturing and femininity. Food-producing animals are also associated with the nourishing aspects of the mother and therefore of Mother Earth.
3- The suggestions of nourishing the soul and conferring immortality all belong to the nurturing of the Mother Goddess.
[1]Gives gender-specific: Nourishing and nurturing are such intrinsically feminine functions that any dream containing such images are to do with survival.
For a woman, nurturing is perhaps more physical in feeling, whereas for a man, his focus will be on growth to maturity.
[2]Psychological / emotional perspective: All symbols of containment (the vessel, cup, cauldron, bowl etc.) Are symbols of nurturing and femininity. Food-producing animals are also associated with the nourishing aspects of the mother and, therefore, of mother earth.
[3]The symbolism of nourishing the soul and conferring immortality all belong to the nurturing function of the mother goddess.