Vision: Collecting mushrooms: be satisfied with a small profit and don’t chase high-flying plans. Good fortune can only be found away from the clamor of the world. Mushrooms sprouting out of the ground: an ongoing string of pleasant surprises. Eating mushrooms: you are getting ahead without difficulties.
Depth Psychology: In erotic dreams, the mushroom (a phallic symbol) expresses your sexual needs. In other dreams it warns against giving in to temptation: it could mean disaster; some mushrooms are poisonous.
[1]To see mushrooms in your dreams, denotes unhealthy desires, and unwise haste in amassing wealth, as it may vanish in law suits and vain pleasures.
To eat them, signifies humiliation and disgraceful love.
For a young woman to dream of them, foretells her defiance of propriety in her pursuit of foolish pleasures.
[2]To dream of mushrooms denotes corrupt and unscrupulous practices to gain wealth. This may work against you and engage you in lawsuits.
To dream that you are eating mushrooms implies that you will be disgraced and abandoned by persons you trust. You will be faced with multiple challenges and personal battles.
[3]Something is growing out of the depths. It may be poisonous or nurturing. Drug-induced, ecstatic religious or sexual experiences. In addition, a symbol of the hidden energies of the earth and the importance of things that are very small.
According to Freud, a phallic symbol.
[4]Dreams of a mushroom symbolize gossip, and how quickly news travels. Perhaps you are feeling uncertainty about whether or not a relationship or career opportunity is poisonous or healthy for you.
If you dream of a magic mushroom, see Drug or Hallucinogenic.
[5]1. Quick Sudden growth;
2. Unexpected sudden or appearance;
3. Fragile;
4. Deadly poison. Jonah 4:10; Isa 48:3