Dreams of karate represent fighting, that you are coming into your power, and that you have a desire to break through obstacles in your ability to defend yourself. This is also a dream about mental discipline, commitment, diligence, strategy and focus.
A black belt is a sign of mastery in art of defending yourself, and a white belt is a sign of a novice. Consider the feeling tone of this dream.
[1]If your dream involved others demonstrating or using this system of self-defense, you should be prepared for a surprise obstacle to your long-range ambition or plans; but if you were learning or engaging in the art yourself, you can expect your current affairs to flourish.
[2]1. Need for protection.
2. Need to focus on life and its problems.
3. Desire to “show off” or be respected.
[3]Symbolic of being skilled in spiritual warfare, 2 Cor. 10:4
[4]Learning to focus and direct energy toward desired goal.