Dreams of juggling signify that you are multi-tasking, and that you are feeling on the verge of being out of control with too many balls in the air.
It is time to deal with your messiah complex: Attempting to be all things to all people. Your dream may be giving you the message that it is time to drop a few things, and learn to say “No” every once in a while.
See Also: Co-Dependant.
[1]Material aspects: In waking life we often find we have to carry out a number of tasks at the same time. This may translate in dreams as juggling, the colour of the balls may help us to interpret the relevance.
[2]Psychological / emotional perspective: The image of a juggler or of someone juggling suggests that we need to keep control of our own emotions or of those around us.
[3]Juggling presupposes a learned response and an expertise which we may need spiritually to balance our lives.
[4]Manipulating a balance to benefit or manage one’s many obligations, financial, etc.
[5]To dream that you are juggling, indicates that you are trying to do much at one time.