1- When dreaming, there is an hallucinatory quality about everything that we see. We usually accept what we experience as real and in the actual dream state do not question. Scenes can change as quickly as the blink of an eye, faces can change, we can be looking at one thing then a few seconds later realise we are looking at something completely different. This is totally acceptable within the dream reality.
It is only when we consider the dream afterwards that we realise how odd this may be. During dreams, things can take on qualities of other objects and of other feelings. Dreams can crcate a reality of their own, they do the unexpected - which in normal waking life would be totally illogical and surreal. Within this dream world we need to take a note of what is happening. We do not watch these with amusement, it seems simply that we observe what is going on. Even our own actions can take on an oddness. We may be doing things in a dream which in waking life we would never expect ourselves to do. Freed from the logical quality that mentors our ordinary everyday life, we can be liberated to create a totally different awareness of our own abilities, of our thought patterns and even our own past. We can often dream that we have done things in the past which we have never done, or we can prepare ourselves to do things in the future which again we would never expect to do.
2- Psychologically freeing the mind so it can ‘roam’ under its own speed allows hidden memories, images and thoughts to surface in such a way that we can handle the input when perhaps in real life we may not have been able to do so. We create a reality which suits an action, rather than creating an action which suits the reality.
For instance, an abused child may displace the activity into some kind of response that would be acceptable, not allowing the reality of the abuse to come through until such times as he or she was able to come to terms with it.
3- The hallucination that we experience in dreams can also be direct messages from the unconscious.
[1]See Also: introduction