References to your energy levels may occur in dreams. An electricity or gas failure, power cut or light bulb going out typically suggests that your energy levels are low; your dream may be advising you to get more rest or to pay attention to your life style. On the other hand, a dream about a gas fire, cooker, stove or light that is burning well would suggest great energy reserves. Bear in mind, too, that symbols of fire and heat are also often associated with sexuality; furthermore, a dream of a car running out of petrol might suggest low libido or sexual energy. The blowing of a fuse in a dream is a warning that you are close to losing your patience with someone or something in waking life, or that you are not using your energy wisely. Your dreaming mind may also be suggesting that you should take more exercise.
[1]Any manifestation of energy in a dream - electricity, atomic explosion, etc. - may be a symbol of psychic energy, which may be creative or destructive: creative if integrated into consciousness, destructive if left in a neglected state in the unconscious.
According to both the modern physicists’ view and that of mystics, matter is nothing more than a manifestation of energy. The same view underlies the practice of homeopathy, which acts on the psychic energy, not on the material level; and acupuncture and acupressure. Get your energies working in a harmonious and positive way, and you will have a healthy body (though, of course, muscles won’t develop without exercise). (The earliest known ‘concept5 of the Ultimate Reality / God is represented by the Melanesian word mana, which means energy or power.)
[2]We live, move and have our being in sea of cosmic energy. We are always in a state of either expanding or contracting our energy fields through our thoughts, words and actions. Physical, mental and spiritual levels of self are varying energy vibrations. Energy is the substance of our bodies and the fuel our bodies need in order to grow. Energy is the key to healing, insight, perception, and spiritual awareness. Meditation recharges the energy field, maintains its strength and state of expansion.
[3]A feeling of unusual pep or abnormal energy in a dream is a warning that you are in danger of “walking in where angels fear to tread.
** Try to control your impulses: However, if your dream concerned an abnormal lack of energy, you are probably pushing yourself and a medical checkup is suggested.
[4]See Also: Emotion, Power, Blood.