1- The Easter egg is a Pagan symbol of renewal and in dreams often takes us back to childhood feelings of promise and wonder. It may also alert us to the passage of time since the mind will often produce symbols of times and seasons rather than actual dates.
2- Dreaming of an Easter egg indicates there is a great deal of potential available to us on a mental level that needs releasing.
3- An Easter egg is associated with Spring, as in ‘hope springs eternal’. Rebirth and resurrection.
[1]To dream of an Easter egg suggests the beginning of a potentially exciting and abundant period of activity. Some hardship has passed and you may be feeling refreshed and centered. Your emotional and spiritual life are currently bringing you satisfaction. Many Easter eggs in a dream indicate that great happiness is possible for you, so breathe easy and enjoy.
[2]Gives gender-specific: Arising from the symbolic meaning of eggs, when a woman dreams specifically of an easter egg her attention may be being drawn in a nonthreatening way to her own fertility.
For a man such a dream is more likely to be to do with his innate sense of timing.
[3]Psychological / emotional perspective: Dreaming of an easter egg indicates there is a great deal of potential available to us on a mental level that needs releasing. There is an element of celebration about life that needs to be maintained.
[4]An easter egg is associated with spring, rebirth and resurrection.