Vessels symbolise servants and lads while stove, hearths, grates, cauldrons, lamps, table-cloths etc. symbolise grief, sorrow and anxiety which will be felt by the head of the household if the Arabic masculine equivalent is used for any of the above words. But it it is used as a feminine such as qidr, qifah, maa’idah, musarrajah and qas’ah, then they symbolise a person’s wife.. As for the word sufrah though feminine, it symbolises the husband all the same.
(Qidr : Cauldron, Cooking Pot, Qifah : large basket, Maa’idah : table-cloth, Musrrajah : lamp, Qas’ah trough)
Whatever is made from copper or lead such as cups, saucers, plates, trays kettles etc. they all symbolise a person’s servants and lads.