Denying an accusation can represent: Feeling guilty or afraid of being accused.
A feeling or fear of being persecuted, blamed, or needing to defend yourself somehow in real life.
Someone else denying something you know to be true can represent a sense that they’re being dishonest or there’s something “off” about them in real life.
Someone else denying something when you don’t know the truth could represent a denial in real life, or a desire to understand or clarify a situation.
Someone being denied something (such as denied entry or an opportunity) can represent a feeling or fear of control, authority, or deprivation.
Someone being in denial (not willing to accept or admit the truth) can represent your perception of dishonesty or irresponsibility, or your blaming the person for a particular problem.
For more clues, consider the context and your feelings about the denial.
See Also: Blaming, Blamed, Being, Lying, Lied To, Being, Confronting, Confronted, Being, Admitting, Rejection, Scarcity, Blockage or Obstacle