Dreams of going on a date represent that romance is in the air. You are feeling adventurous and willing to expand your horizon.
If you dream of a date on a calendar from the past, then this symbolizes a time in your past that with which your subconscious mind is wanting you to connect and/or resolve.
If the date on the calendar is in the future, then this is a precognitive dream and you would be wise to pay attention to.
For further exploration, add up the numbers of the date and reference it in this book.
See Also: Number, Precognitive Dreams.
[1]A date is an opportunity to possibly find romance and love. It involves taking a risk and the need to show up authentically. In a dream, it represents the willingness or the lack of willingness to take such a risk, show up fully, and possibly find a new level of self-expression, passion, and eventual integration.
[2]When a date appears in your dreams it is important you mark it down. It
may be related to an important event in your life.
[3]Mark it on a calendar, for important dates are sometimes revealed
[4](romantic) symbolic of a love interest in your life
[5](fruit) symbolic of beauty and love, Song. 5:11