Jung identified the archetypal male and female aspects of the psyche and called them the ’anima’ and ’animus’. These form a part of what he termed the ’collective unconscious’ and play an important role in both forming your view of the opposite sex during sleep and in how you choose your partner in waking life. For example, a woman dreaming of her idealized version of a man is reflecting the masculine part of her psyche, the animus. The anima is the embodiment of the feminine parts of a man’s psyche.
If you dream that you have a sweetheart, this may represent your perfect match, prompted by the animus in women or the anima in men
A dream in which you are in love is generally a sign of reciprocated affection or the desire for it.
If the object of your affection is your partner already, this is a positive sign for the relationship but only if your partner looks contented; if he or she looks ill at ease, the signs are less positive.
If you are in a relationship and you dream of falling in love with someone else, this could be a sign that you are attracted to that person in waking life.
If this isn’t the case, try to figure out what qualities that person represents and how you can incorporate them into your current relationship.
If you dream of having rivals for the affection of your sweetheart, this could be a sign of jealousy or indecision on your part.
If you dream of your current boyfriend or girlfriend, then this is a symbol of your emotional attachment to him or her.
If you dream of an ex-lover, this does not mean that you are still in love with them; your dream is simply revisiting feelings or hopes connected with them. Your ex-lover becomes a symbol for all the hopes for love that may not currently be satisfied. In dreams, lovers may be your waking partner or your ideal wish-fulfillment partner; whoever they are, they may be compensating for a waking situation that is unsatisfactory.
If you are single and dream about a future husband or wife, this should not be interpreted literally; such a dream may be expressing some other hope for the future. For dreams about husbands or wives, see FAMILY.
[1]This is an unlucky dream for a girl, but lucky for a man.
To dream of being courted by a handsome youth is usually a sign pointing to spinster- hood.
To dream of courting a pretty girl predicts happiness for a bachelor; but a married man who has this dream should be on his guard against designing women.
[2]Bad, bad, will be the fate of the woman who dreams of being courted. She will often think that now he will propose, but often she will be disappointed. Disappointments will follow illusory hopes and fleeting pleasures.
For a man to dream of courting, implies that he is not worthy of a companion.
[3]This also is a dream of contrary, for the more fortunate your wooing in your dreams, the worse it will be for your real love affairs.