It is hard to know how the passage of time is expressed in dreams, as you are not in real time when you dream, since situations or adventures that appear to take a long period of time can be dreamed of in moments. Any dream in which you are aware of the passage of time indicates a progress report on your life, in that the 24-hour cycle of day and night has a parallel with both physical and spiritual birth and development. Dawn signifies birth and beginnings; the morning signifies childhood and potential; midday, middle age and maturity; the afternoon, late middle age and relaxation; and the evening, old age, with the dead of night suggesting death. A dream in which you suddenly realize it is afternoon could therefore suggest that you need to relax or that time has passed by so quickly and you haven’t achieved all that you hoped you would achieve by late middle age.
Arriving too early or too late in your dream for an appointment may be significant in your waking life; if you were too early, you should ask yourself if you are worrying too much and overplanning some aspect of your life.
If you were too late, you should consider whether you are worried in waking life about missing the boat or being the last person to be informed about something important.