When remembering the colors in your dreams, it is important to recall if the colors were bright and vivid, or muted and faded, as the strength of the colors may be linked directly to your emotions and emotional needs at the time of the dream. Rich, clear colors may signify inner strength or a sense of well-being, whereas weak colors may represent feelings of being jaded or washed out in some way.
There is a clear difference between light and dark in the dream, especially if it features an indoor location. Darkness can mean that your situation is unclear or confused; it could also suggest being in unknown or difficult territory, or it may represent a secret part of yourself or a part that you do not know.
Another interpretation suggests depression or the darker aspects of life. Light is the opposite. Light represents clearness, insight and enlightenment, and can signify the light at the end of the tunnel or seeing the light. It also has much to do with confidence. To feel lighter suggests feeling good about yourself.
If the light is very bright, it can suggest the development of intuition or insight.
If your dream took place in the bright daytime sunshine or in the shadow of a dark night, your memory of the dream will be tinged with optimism, associated with the light and brightness, or pessimism, associated with the darkness.
If a gray and faded shade of green appeared in your dream, this may be referring to the dullness of your waking life. On the other hand, if the green was bright and vivid, it may be suggesting a period of new growth. Background colors therefore play an important part in creating the ambience or feel of the dream and in influencing your reaction to it. For example, if you have a favorite or least-favorite color, its appearance in your dream may also reinforce your positive and negative reaction to it.
In some instances, you may find yourself trying to interpret a dream but the details have faded from your memory; that is apart from the glittering dark blue suit your friend was wearing. Why would your unconscious have dressed your friend in this way? The answer may lie in the archetypal symbolic meaning of blue, or your personal association with it. Indeed, any color that was highlighted in your dream may have been sending you a message from your unconscious; your task is to try to make a link between what that color means to you, the context in which it appeared, your real-life circumstances and the symbolic connotations associated with that particular color.