To see chaff, denotes an empty and fruitless undertaking and ill health causing much anxiety. Women dreaming of piles of chaff, portends many hours spent in useless and degrading gossip, bringing them into notoriety and causing them to lose husbands who would have maintained them without work on their part.
[1]You are being warned against repeating idle gossip which could jeopardize your reputation if your dream featured chaff in any form, unless the action pertained to separation of the seed, in which case you will succeed with your current plans but only after painstaking effort.
[2]Depth Psychology: Separating the important from the unimportant (the wheat from the chaff): you are doing unimportant things. Don’t take things or situations too seriously.
See Also: Sieve.
[3]Indication of a spiritual need, i.E.
The false and worthless need to be removed to bring about genuine blessings
[4]1. Throw away;
2. No substance;
3. Separation of the goats; Job 21:18; Hos. 13:3; Zeph. 2:2
[5]A dream of abortive or worthless schemes (Artemidorus); symbolism obvious.
[6]A symbol of a wicked and worthless person, Ps. 35:5
[7]Your plans will not succeed.