You are considering the cost of the freedoms that you enjoy. There is a price to pay for every choice we make, and bills connect to the sense of responsibility that comes with that freedom.
If you are overwhelmed with your own finances in your waking life, you may dream about your bills as a result of that stress.
If you are paying your bills, you are dreaming of taking responsibility for your choices.
If you are avoiding paying your bills, your dream may be expressing your avoidance.
If the bill you are shown in your dream does not belong to you, you may be feeling responsible for something that is not of your own making.
[1]A dream of contrary.
If you were worried about or received bills in your dream, you can expect a happy run of good luck in financial matters; but if you paid, collected, or sent bills out, you’d better get in contact with generous friends or relations because you’ll be needing assis- tance.
[2]This is another contradictory dream.
If you are worrying about bills in your dream, it means you’ll soon have a run of good financial luck.
If you’re paying bills in your dream, however, it means you’ll soon be needing financial assistance.
[3]To dream that you are paying them denotes speedy financial gains; that they are unpaid, signifies evil speaking.
[4]Going through your bills in a dream may represent deep concerns or worry about the level of your debt.