1. An emotional block or defensive mechanism that needs to be addressed.
2. Obstacles and difficulties, usually in life, sometimes in intellect.
3. A need or desire to remove oneself from a potentially harmful situation or circumstance.
[1]Problem to be worked through before going on; a standstill until you resolve your dilemma. Self-imposed barrier to growth.
See Also: what it is, find the creative solution within.
[2]Dreams of a barricade symbolize a desire for protection and firm boundaries, or that your ego’s defensiveness is keeping love, intimacy and opportunity at bay.
[3]1. Closed
2. Obstacle; Acts 16:7
3. Hindered
4. Path blocked; 1 Thessalonians 2:18
[4]Dream about obstacles. Logical boundaries or self-limitation.
[5]Protection, Song. 8:9