To see barbed wire in your dream represents difficulty in breaking through or getting your point across to someone.
To dream that you are caught in barbed wire suggests that you are feeling trapped and restricted in some relationship.
[1]Being caught in barbed wire can indicate a painful entrapment or feelings of having been hurt by someone else’s boundaries. Barbed wire in a dream may indicate.difficulty in getting through to someone.
[2]1. Use caution in communicating in close relationships; avoid harsh words.
2. Feelings of being restricted, often in relationships.
3. Feelings of restricted or censored communication.
[3]Depth Psychology: Barbed wire is a warning to beware of what you think are “little” love affairs—they could endanger your committed relationship.
[4]To dream of barbed wire suggests a hindrance to your movement in life
[5]1. Bondage or stronghold;
2. Boundary 2 Tim. 2:25-26; Rom. 7:2;
[6]Boundaries or injuries.
See Also: Sting.