Psychological / emotional perspective: Intellectually, there are two potential meanings. Firstly, we are trying to be too smart. Equally we may be trying to force other people to do something they do not want to do.
A barbed comment is one which is specifically designed to hurt the recipient and can take on this physical representation of a barb or barbed wire in dreams.
[1]The barb is traditionally the fork that the devil carried with him, with which to goad us into action. Sometimes seen as the trident, it can represent the trinity of body, mind and spirit. Barbed wire might be seen as an entanglement which is not appropriate.
[2]Gives gender-specific: In both men’s and women’s dreams a barb can suggest aggressive male sexuality, whereas barbed wire is more likely to represent the legendary ‘vagina indentata’ or all-devouring female.
[3]Material aspects: To be surrounded by barbed wire in a dream indicates that we are being prevented from moving forward by either our own, or others’, hurtful remarks.