Most of us typically rebel against authority at some time in our lives but when authority figures appear in your dreams as themselves or as archetypal figures, they command our attention and respect, and remind us to behave responsibly. Your concept of authority is most likely to have developed through your relationship with your parents in early life and depending on how you were treated by them, your view of authority will either be of an inspirational helper or a judgmental disciplinarian. In dreams, authority figures will therefore appear for several reasons. One reason may be to act as a voice of conscience, rebuking you for wrong thoughts or actions, and attempting to lead you back to what is expected of you. Another may be to advise or help you decide on the best course of action. A third is to remind you of your duty to be fair and kind to yourself and to others.
[1]Might depict what has arisen in your life out of relationship with father, one’s relationship with authority, a view of how one uses power or authority.
[2]See Also: Boss or Principal.