Emotions expressing themselves in a dream, which then result in an argument, may be a reference to a conflict between two aspects of your personality Thus, arguing with your father may mean that you are in conflict with the rigid values you have internalized from your father. Arguing in a dream may also compensate for your inability to express your honest emotions with friends or family when you are awake.
[1]lucky numbers: 04-08-11-21-34-45
friend, with a: your pride wil be injured, but al ow others’ theirs.
loved one: point out consequences of unwise action.
others: you rationalize your own behavior by accusing others of it.
relatives: watch neighbors’ behavior careful y but do not judge.
having an argument: wil have a strenuous time opposing intimidation.
and being scolded: are too cocky about your ideas.
heated, a: wil have difficulty in balancing the opposing facts.
others: one facet of your personality opposes the other.